
Rapidshare memento mori tattoos
Rapidshare memento mori tattoos

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Philosophers, writers, artists, composers, and leaders since life’s inception have meditated on death habitually to motivate and inspire. “ Remember thou art mortal.” “ Remember, you too must die.” The perfect reminder during a man’s momentary immortalization. His four-horse chariot parted the streets lined with thanks-givers chanting “ io Triumphe!” The roars of “ Hurray, O Triumph” was muffled by the whisper of slave, positioned deliberately in the chariot behind his master’s throne, “ Memento Mori, Memento Mori, Memento Mori,” the slave echoed.

rapidshare memento mori tattoos

On the day of his parade, the victor wore a crown and a purple, gold-adorned toga, otherwise reserved for kings. There was a tradition in ancient Rome to celebrate the return of a victorious military general with a drawn out spectacle to sanctify the triumphant leader.

Rapidshare memento mori tattoos